1-10)CCBBCBDBCD (11-20)DACADCAADB (21-30)BACBBBDDBD (31-40)DDDBDABABA (41-50)BCAADABCDC No2) V/u = sin θ Vy = u sin θ Vy = 20 sin 40 Vy =12.86m/s (No4) Given flux density(B)=0.217 Force(F)=9.6*10^-12N Speed(v)=? F=Bqv 9.6*10^-12= 0.12* 1.6* V V=(9.6*10^-12)/0.192*10^-19 =50*10^-12+9 v=50*10^7 =5*10^8ms^-1 11a) Dielectric strength is the property of an insulating material to retain material to retain electrical properties 11bi) -Infra-red wave -Geiger muller counter -Scintillation counter 11bii) Irradiation of solar energy 11c) Charge(q)=1.0*10^-19C Electric field intensity(E)=1200NC^-1 Weight of the oil drop=? E=F/q 1200=F/1.0*10^-19 F=1200*1.0*10^-19 F=1.2*10^3*10^-19 F=1.2*10^-16N 11d) R=100ohm, L=0.05H, C=0.25uF V=220v, f=50Hz 11di) Impedance(z)=sqroot(R^2+(Xl-Xc)^2) Xl=2*pie*fl Xl=2*(22/7)*50*0.05 Xl=15.71ohm Xl=(1/2*pie*fc) Xc=1/78.55*10^-6 Xc=10^6/78.55 =12730.7ohm Z=sqroot(100^2+(15.71^2-12730.7^2) Z=sqroot(10000+2.63*10^16 Z=sqroot(2.63*10^16) Z=1.62*10^16ohm Are you writing Post-UTME this year? Click Here to Participate on our Past Question CBT Center 11dii) Vrms=IZ I=220/1.62*10^16 =1.36*10^-14 10a) Critical angle is the angle of incidence in the optically densed medium when the angle of refraction is 90degrees 10b) Anti-note are created by region of maximum displacement in a wave (No5) -for exploration of space -it is used for war fare -it is used for launching of satellite (No6) (a)doping is the process of producing an impure semiconductor by adding foreign elements to the pure semiconductor (b)Doping a semiconductor improves the number of charge carriers (No3) -smoke -aerosol -dust particle (No4) Given flux density(B)=0.217 Force(F)=9.6*10^-12N Speed(v)=? F=Bqv 9.6*10^-12= 0.12* 1.6* V V=(9.6*10^-12)/0.192*10^-19 =50*10^-12+9 v=50*10^7 =5*10^8ms^-1 (No2) Velocity(u)=20ms^-1 Angle(tita)=40 degree At maximum height, h V^2=u^2 + 2gh U^2 sin^2 tita+u u= 20^2* (sin 40 degree)^2 u=20^2*(sin 4o degree) u=400* 0.3455 u=138.2ms^-1 (No1) (a) impulse(I)=F*t F=ma= m(v/t)= M((d/t)/(t)) f=M(l/T)/T)= MLT^-2 I=MLT^-2 * T I=MLT^-1 (b) Acceleration(a)=v/t=(d/t)/t a=d/t^2= L/T^2= LT^-2 (c) WOrk(w)=f*d W=MLT^-2 * L W=ML^2T^-2 ———————

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